2018 – Yemanja – Para As Belezas De Mar


2018 – Yemanja – Para As Belezas De Mar

London School of Samba at Notting Hill Carnival

Notting Hill Carnival 2018

Para as belezas do mar

Yemanja guide us | Yemanja nos guia

Yemanja faces her greatest challenge yet; the destruction that mankind has done to the ocean, her domain. She is in a tug of war with the shadow figures, or forces of darkness that embody humanity’s destruction of the planet. She is calling upon the other Orixas, such as Oxalá, the oldest of the Orixas to help.

LSS Notting Hill Carnival 2018 - flag bearers - Copyright Brian Guttridge

Our oceans and seas are dying. Filled with plastic, oil spillages and wanton destruction of marine life.

More than 8 million tons of plastic are dumped in the oceans every year. Over 90 percent of seabirds have plastic pieces in their stomachs, while marine mammals are entangled in marine litter.

We were carried by the ocean. Yemanja listened to our sorrows, the water cleansed our wounds. The sailors came to know each rock, every current; at times hard done by the strong winds, and at times soothed by the gentle waves, rhythmically touching the hull of the boat mesmerising our ears. Do you remember the gatherings on the beach at night? The warmth of the sea under the moonlight? The hypnotic movement of jellyfish drifting through the water. Sunset-coloured fish and seahorses playfully dance over the luminous coloured coral and, the Reef, an ‘underwater rainforest’. This was our treasure. Our treasure, our ocean.

Every drop of saltwater bears Yemanja’s imprint and calls us, her people, back to her, back to our mother and home. We gather on the smooth sandy beaches, the rocky coasts, the tranquil bays and the windy headlands to ask Yemanja for guidance. Our feet caressed by the waves; our messages and wishes in the form of a flower placed in the sea: “Salve Mariana” (Save Mariana) “Proteja nossos recifes” (Protect our Reef), “Defenda nossos Oceanos” (Defend our Oceans), “Proteja nossas aguas” (Protect our rivers and seas).

As we look towards the infinite sea, tasting the salt on our lips, Yemanja replies to our wishes “I have protected you over the years, I have kept your men at sea safe and provided you with life. Now it is your turn to work against the evil. Nature will give you the energy to unite against the atrocities. The present and the future is in your hands”


Carnival 2018 -Two dancers in elaborate blue costumes - Copyright Brian Guttridge
Carnival 2018 -Group of the guard dancing and smiling - Copyright Brian Guttridge
LSS Notting Hill Carnival 2018 - Baianas on crossing - Copyright Brian Guttridge
LSS Notting Hill Carnival 2018 - Dancer - Copyright Brian Guttridge
LSS Notting Hill Carnival 2018 - Dancers in formation - Copyright Brian Guttridge
LSS Notting Hill Carnival 2018 - Bateria - Copyright Brian Guttridge

Theme Concept

Ioanna Marathefti
For the beauties of the sea: orishas guide us – Para as belezas do mar: Orixas nos guiam


Comissão de Frente – Yemanja and the Shadow Figures
Yemanja faces a “tug of war” with the forces of darkness that embody the harm that humans have done to her domain. Shadow figures or the forces of darkness, that embody the destruction of the ocean by humans. They enter a tug of war between good and evil, against the goddess Yemanja. Cdf forms of dance cover a range of styles from Afro- Brazilian, Street Theatre, Samba no pé. Flat shoes preferred, but if you are comfortable jumping around heels, go for it!
Ala das Baianas – The Sea and the offerings to Yemanja

The Baianas embody the sea itself, in its vast, open blue.

Bateria – Sailors

Ala das Passistas – Coral
Representing the colours and textures of the “underwater rainforest”. This was for intermediate to advanced samba dancers, who were proficient in samba no pé.

Ala Dance – Jellyfish
Move as the Jellyfish do, through the currents, wearing colours of the sea; this ala included an umbrella, which will make for some fun choreography! This is a unisex ala with costume options for both males and females with flat shoes or heels.

Ala Nemo
Dazzle the crowd and be the jewel of the sea in this gorgeous design! Ala was open to all levels and no dance experience was necessary.

We welcomed participation from families in this carnival. Little fish could also take part!


Carnival Manager

Nathan Gapomo & Fee Turuka as Carnival Managers

Belezas das Aguas

By Ivy Lemos Ionna Marathefti


Lê lêle le rere
a London School invadiu a cidade
De baixo dos arcos da Lapa
O samba levanta poeira
Sou arco-íris que encandeia

E lá no céu
Lá no céu , o sol raiou que lindo dia
Vem sambar em harmonia
Poesia viva em seu olhar
Chuva de ouro e de prata
Banhavam o mundo
um sinal de paz

Do lado de la, orientais
Levei oferendas aos orixás
Lançando flores na passarela
Gira baianas um mar de festas
Mitologias e Melodias
Colorido sonho renascia

Bate na palma da mão
E pisa na ponta do pé
Em Notting Hill toco batuque e muito axe
Não sei de onde vem
Ou para onde vai
Oh Deus do Sol trás alegria e muita paz

Mae África, homem, mulher
Chamas douradas lancei
Colorindo a passarela
Carnaval encanto em aquarela
Brilha Aurora Boreal
Lapland, carnaval
Sou a Unidos, arco-íris musical



London School invades the city
Under the arches of Lapa
The samba raises the dust
I am the rainbow that overshadows

It’s in the sky
In the sky, the sun shines, when a beautiful day
Come and samba in harmony
Poetry lives in your eyes
Rain of silver and gold
Washing the world
for peace

From the other side of the world came the oriental
Here we brought offerings to the Orixas
Throwing flowers on the passarela
Spinning baianas an ocean of parties
Mythology and Melody

A colourful dream reborn
Clap with the palm of your hand
And step on the tip of your toes
In Notting Hill playing drums and with Axe
I don’t know where it comes from
or where it is leading
The God of Sun bring happiness and peace

Mother Africa, Man and Women
Golden flames were throwing
Colouring the passarela
The Carnival enchants in watercolours
Shine Aurora Boreal
Lapland, Carnival
I am The Unidos, The Musical rainbow

LSS Notting Hill Carnival 2018 - Musa - dancer wearing skimpy samba outfit - Copyright Brian Guttridge
LSS Notting Hill Carnival 2018 - Man dressed as shark - Copyright Brian Guttridge
Carnival 2018 -Samba dancer headwear - Copyright Brian Guttridge
LSS Notting Hill Carnival 2018 - Drummer dressed as a sailor - Copyright Brian Guttridge
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