2019 – Dancing in the Street: A tribute to Music
London School of Samba at Notting Hill Carnival
Notting Hill Carnival 2019
Dancing in the Street: A tribute to music
Our 2019 theme was Dancing in the Street: A Tribute to Music. We paid tribute to the rich melanin culture across the board, these artists have given us Jazz, Motown, Samba, Reggae, Funk, Pop and Rock right up to the present day with artists such as Beyoncé.

Too many to name in one parade, this is but a snapshot of a larger movement that shaped music as a whole. The fashion, dance forms, lifestyle and fight against oppression empowered us all to move to the enchanting sound wave that we call, Music. This is for the trailblazers, rebels and the powerful influences they have had on music today, we thank them.

Carnival Manager
Dançando na rua Dancing in the Streets
Free translation by Maria Cecilia Barker Aug 2019
Dançando na rua
Um toque de funk, soul e hip hop
batidas de reggae, um pouco de rock
mistura de amor, swing de bambas
a hora chegou,
vem dançar meu samba
Na áfrica…. o tambor ecoou
navegam barcos, adeus, saudades
eu canto para os ancestrais
lutando pela igualdade
em busca de um mundo novo
ouvi lamentos que vêm do sul
sublime e radiante o som do jazz
quebram barreiras da sociedade
Essa melodia toca minha alma
O ritmo acelera o coraҫão
oh encantada, musica negra
alegria dessa canҫão
Amantes do blues e jazz
fizeram renascer o soul e funk
reggae na ilha,
som da cidade
conquista o mundo, diversidade
as majestades são,
purple rain
moon walk Jackson,
Rainha Beyonce
Em Notting Hill e carnaval (e carnaval!)
a london school na passarela
é pop e é samba
Dancing in the Streets
A touch of funk, soul and hip hop
reggae beats, a little rock
love mix, swing of bambas
the time has arrived,
come to dance my samba
In Africa…. the drum echoed
the boats sail, longing and bye bye
I sing to the ancestries
struggling for equality
in search of a new world
I heard laments from the south
sublime and radiant the sound of jazz
break barriers of society
This melody touches my soul
The rhythm accelerates the heart
oh charming, black music,
delight of this song
Lovers of blues and jazz
reborn the soul and funk
reggae in the island,
sound of town
conquer the world, diversity
The majesties are,
purple rain
moon walk Jackson,
Queen Beyonce
in Notting Hill and carnival (and carnival!)
London School in the avenue
is pop and it is samba