London School of Samba Notting Hill Carnival 2010 Video

Finally here is the full version of the London School of Samba Notting Hill Carnival 2010 Video. For those who weren’t there you can see what you missed, and for those who were there – you can re-live it all over again!

Notting Hill Carnival Theme for 2010

The theme for the London School of Samba Notting Hill Carnival parade for 2010 is Gods, Myths and Monsters”.  

Synopsis for Gods, Myths and Monsters

Myths are a part of who we are. They explore our darkest fears and desires, and the very best and noble in all of us. The world of Greek mythology is a rich source of symbols, colours, captivating tales, and extraordinary characters that strike a chord with anybody who was ever told a story, or who was ever young and dreamed. Imagine weaving through the streets of Notting Hill Carnival with the overwhelming power and awe of the gods as commanded by almighty Zeus, each beat of the surdo echoing in our hearts like thunder…

Samba Enredo for 2010 Notting Hill Carnival

Gods, Myths & Monsters (2010) from London School of Samba on Myspace.

Music composed by Xavier Osmir (arranged by Paul Rumbol)
With special participation of Bosco de Oliveira

Zeus o deus dos deuses
Divina entidade colossal! (colossal)
Comandava a Grécia Antiga
Dera missões a outros deuses imortais
Forças naturais!
Eram ligadas do sagrado ao profano
Deuses guerreiros que desfilam esse ano
Cantando samba com paixão

E este tema, encantou!
Os espartanos na avenida
Grandes guerreiros de Olímpia
Que a furiosa bateria destacou

Artemis era a deusa que caçava
Afrodite era a deusa do amor
Apolo deus da música surgiu
Dançando samba é carnaval em Notting Hill
Voando como heroi, em busca de aventura
Icarus mostrou a arte e escultura
Out in to the sky, don’t try to fly too high
Assim você no samba cai

As amazonas, la la-ia la-ia
Belas deusas encantadas
Enfrentaram a batucada
Contagiando o samba em pura sedução (em seducão)
A noite gerou o dia – virou magia,
O céu uniu-se ao mar de Poseidon
Com seus poderes Hades traz sonhos e mortes
Sabedoria que Atena inspirou
Oh! Grande Medusa,
Os seus cabelos são de serpentes mortais

Odisséia, o Ciclope, Minotauro o touro forte
É carnaval!

O grande deus do trovão em Olímpia
Voôu – voôu – voôu
Viveu com Hera, a deusa bela
Louvaram deuses em nome do amor!

English translation of the Samba enredo by Maxine Shorto

Zeus the god of gods
Divine colossal entity
Commanding Ancient Greece
Giving missions to other immortal gods
Forces of nature!
Were connected from the sacred to the profane
Warrior gods who parade this year
Singing samba with passion

And this theme enchanted
The Spartans on the street parade
Great warriors of Olympus
The fierce drummers stood out

Artemis was the goddess of the hunt
Aphrodite was the goddess of love
Apollo god of music appeared
Dancing samba – it’s carnival in Notting Hill!
Flying like a hero in search of adventure
Icarus displayed his art and sculpture
Out in to the sky, don’t try to fly too high
Or else you will fall into the samba

The Amazons, la la-ia la-ia
Beautiful enchanting goddesses
Confronted the batucada
Infecting the samba with pure seduction

Night created the day, it became magic
The sky joined with the ocean of Poseidon
With his power Hades brings dreams and death
Knowledge was inspired by Athena
Oh! Great Medusa
You have deadly snakes for hair

The Odyssey, the Cyclops, Minotaur the mighty bull
This is carnival!

The great god of thunder on Mt. Olympus
Flew, flew, flew
He lived with Hera, who was so beautiful
They honoured the gods in the name of love