2016 Carnival Synopsis

Theme & Synopsis by Chris Bicourt

Throughout human history, rainbows have mystified and awed us with their beauty. They are a symbol of peace, hope, and unity. In some cultures the rainbow is a bridge to another world, a giant bow, a serpent, or even a demon that eats children.

Front Commission (Comissão de Frente): Oxumarê

Oxumarê is the god of the rainbow. He is the Orixá of all movement, of all cycles of life. He lives in heaven and comes to earth to visit us through the rainbow. He’s a big snake that surrounds the earth and the sky and ensures the unity and renewal of the universe. And so the cycle begins…

Ala Japan (Ala das Baianas)
In Japanese myth, the rainbow is the “Floating Bridge of Heaven” on which Izanami and Izanagi, the male and female creators of the world descended to create land from the ocean of chaos.

Ala India
In Hindu mythology, Indra, the god of thunder and war, uses the rainbow to shoot arrows of lightning and its colours also correspond to the chakras.

Ala Egypt (Bateria)
In Egyptian mythology rainbows are seen as great bows which lead the way for the sun god Ra and his retinue to ascend into the sky.

Ala Africa (Ala dos Passistas)
In West Africa the rainbow is often associated with serpents and symbolises the spirit of fertility.

Ala Native America (Ala Mirim/children)
In Native America, the Cherokee Indians believe the rainbow forms the hem of the sun’s coat.

Ala England (Guest Ala)
In England today the rainbow is used with its more modern connotations of equality and diversity.

Ala Viking (Guest Ala)
The Vikings called it the “Bifrost”: the burning bridge which connects Midgard (earth) with Asgard, home of the gods.

Ala Ancient Greece   (Drop-in Ala)
In Greek mythology, Iris is the personification of the rainbow and a messenger linking the gods to humanity.

All these beliefs surrounding the rainbow make it one of the most potent and influential symbols of the natural world, and one that unites the human race, reminding us of the enigma of nature, and linking us across generations, continents and cultures with its awesome beauty. London School of Samba’s parade will be a burst of colour and impact, forming from the front to the back, a GIANT RAINBOW, representing various people and civilisations around the globe which hold the rainbow as an important symbol in their culture. It is a carnival of colour and coming together.